Hexadecimal To Decimal and Decimal To Hexadecimal Conversion Examples

Example#01:4859)10= ?)16 4859/16 =303 remainder 11)10=B)16 303/16= 18 remainder 15)10=F)16 18/16=1 remainder 2)10=2)16 Look at the highlighted numbers 12FB)16 Answer 4859)10= 12FB)16 Example#02:23456.235)10= ?)16 Solve integer part using division by 16 23456/16=1466 remainder 0 =0)16 1466/16=91 remainder 10)10=)16 91/16=5 reminder 11)10=B)16 Look at the highlighted numbers 5BA0)16 Mantissa will be calculated by using repeated multiplication