The conversion between hexadecimal and binary number systems is an easy task. Let’s start.
Key Questions:
  • Convert binary numbers into hexadecimal numbers
  • Convert hexadecimal numbers into binary numbers
  • How to convert binary fractions into hexadecimal fractions
  • How to convert hexadecimal fractions into binary fractions
Hexadecimal numbers 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
Binary numbers 0000 0001 0010 1111 0100 0101 0110 0111
Hexadecimal numbers 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
Binary numbers 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111

Binary to Hexadecimal Conversion Examples:

Whenever converting from binary to hexadecimal numbers, start making a group of 4 bits. But why do we use 4 bits? Because 4 bits represent 16 different values. For integers, start making a group of 4 from right to left.
Binary to hexadecimal conversion

Binary to hexadecimal conversion

Example: Convert into a hexadecimal number: 11100111101)2

0111 0011 1101 The above binary number is an 11-bit number. You can make two 4-bit groups easily. Convert every 4 binary bits (from LSB or bit-0) to a hex digit. For the third group, add zero at the leftmost position. So three groups of four bits have been made, as shown above. For fractional numbers, start making groups of 4 bits from left to right. Example: 0.11100110111)2 0.1110 0110 1110 In the above fractional number, you can easily make two groups of 4 bits, starting from the left. For the third group of 4 bits, we have to add a zero at the rightmost position, as shown above. Let’s solve some examples so that you understand the conversion method. Example#01: 1111111111)2 = ?)16 Making a group of 4 bits 0011 1111 1111
Binary number 0011 1111 1111
Hexadecimal number 3 F F
Answer (111111111)2 = 3FF)16 Example#2: 110010111010.11111111)2=?)16 Making a group of 4 bits 1100 1011 1010.1111 1111
Binary number 1100 1011 1010 . 1111 1111
Hexadecimal number C B A . F F
Answer 110010111010.11111111)2=CBA.FF)16 Example#03: 11001100110011.111000111)2= ?)16 Making a group of 4 bits 0011 0011 0011 0011.1110 0011 1000 Adding two 0s on the leftmost side completes a group of four bits. Adding three 0s in the rightmost position will complete a group of four bits.
Binary number 0011 0011 0011 0011 . 1110 0011 1000
Hexadecimal number 3 3 3 3 . E 3 8
Answer 11001100110011.111000111)2= 3333.E38)16

Hexadecimal to Binary Conversion Examples:

When converting from hexadecimal to binary, pick a single hexadecimal digit and convert it to an equivalent binary number. One thing you have to keep in mind is that binary numbers should be represented in 4-bit format. For example 1)16=0001)2 right way 1)16=1)2 wrong way Note: This is wrong while using this technique. Otherwise, it is right. 1)16=1)2
Hexadecimal to binary conversion

Hexadecimal to binary conversion example

Example#01:3FF)16= ?)2 3)16=0011)2
Hexadecimal number 3 F F
Binary number 0011 1111 1111
Answer 3FF)16= 001111111111)2 Example#02:CBA.FF)16= ?)2
Hexadecimal number C B A . F F
Binary number 1100 1011 1010 . 1111 1111
Answer CBA.FF)16= 110010111010.11111111)2 Example#03: 3333.E38)16= ?)2
Hexadecimal number 3 3 3 3 . E 3 8
Binary number 0011 0011 0011 0011 . 1110 0011 1000
Answer 3333.E38)16= 11001100110011.111000111)2

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